Longevity expert Ryan Frederick delivers keynote presentations and workshops to help people and organizations embrace opportunities in the Age of Longevity.

What People Are Saying

A compelling keynote talk that inspired our participants to reimagine what’s possible, and help us all thrive in the Age of Longevity.

– Jennifer Wilcox, Program Designer, The Environments for Aging Conference

Ryan is a visionary in the role of place and healthy longevity with a gift of connecting the dots of multiple trends and translating it in a relatable way for immediate action.

– Bob Kramer, Founder of NIC and the NIC Conference

Ryan’s passion comes through in his presentations and he is joy to work with.

– Bailey Beeken, Managing Director of the SMASH Conference

About Ryan

Ryan Frederick is an internationally recognized thought leader, speaker, author, innovator, developer, and strategy consultant specializing in healthy longevity with nearly 20 years in the field. He has advised organizations internationally ranging from Fortune 500 companies to global institutional investors to leading health systems to housing developers and operators. He has educated tens of thousands of consumers through keynote talks, workshops, videos, blogs, online assessments and his book, Right Place, Right Time.

Ryan’s work has been cited in numerous outlets including CBS News, Washington Post, Forbes and many other media outlets and has been a guest on numerous podcasts focused on healthy longevity. He is on the National Advisory Board of Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, a past member of the Bipartisan Policy Center task force on health and housing and an Encore.org Public Voices Fellow. He lives in Austin, Texas after previously living for long stretches on both the East and West Coast.

Ryan talks about how place drives our overall well-being and healthy longevity.  

He is equally adept at speaking to corporate and consumer audiences.



For corporate audiences, he unpacks the dynamics that are creating fundamental changes in our lifespan and the key implications for organizations across a wide variety of fields ranging from health care to real estate to financial services to investment management to technology to consumer products and beyond. He can also take deeper dives with workshops to help groups better understand how to specifically take advantage of opportunities through incremental and disruptive innovation.

For consumer crowds, he helps individuals appreciate the opportunities afforded by living in a time of unprecedented longevity and provides specific actions to improve their or their loved one’s healthspan. Often, people are neither fully aware nor prepared for a longer life and approach this reality with more fear than optimism; Ryan’s presentations and healthy aging courses empower people to realize their full potential in this new era.



Ryan’s talks are customized to the specific themes of a conference or corporate event. His content can also be tailored to a workshop approach with fewer participants but with greater engagement. In some cases, a keynote can be followed with a workshop to provide greater impact for participants.

Book Ryan for Your Event


Are you interested in having a longevity expert speak at an upcoming event? Email Michelle Carter of Carter Global Speakers at [email protected].

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P.O. Box 161691
Austin, TX 78716